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這是一部犯罪片 裡面有很多大明星

所以我還滿期待的 結果居然是出乎意料之外的難看

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Calo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

今天早上打電話給fido cancel我的電話


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我計畫今天計畫來滿久的 為的就是怕失誤


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考完試啦!! 其實我週二就考完了

這次真的是很特別的經驗 兩天考四科

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我的communicatino 235的video project順利結束

成績我也非常滿意 我把他po到you tube上這樣大家都可以看到啦 Ashley和Iris也有出現喔 在最後 謝謝你們啦

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為了明天要去教會服侍 今天早早就把所有譜呀都整理好

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怎麼說...倒也不是不好 只是一種很奇怪的現象

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今天真開心 因為把這學期的最後一份作業給交了 哈哈

這學期的課明天就要結束啦!! 回想起來真的非常辛苦

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講到Nakashima Mika 他又出新單曲 叫"My Sugar Cat"

歌曲非常可愛 非常輕鬆 他大姐因該是去接髮了吧

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也許是今天太累了或怎樣 看這部電影感動到不行

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今天我爸媽去釣魚旅遊啦 禮拜天才會回來的說


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一個是元斌 另外一個就是玉山鐵二

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It's a pussycat dolls MV and it's called "buttons"

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This morning my clock was late so I had to rushed to the bus stop. Of course the bus was already gone, and I was late for the class. Then the prof shouted at me say "If you can't handle your job as a student, you will never succeed in your workplace" I felt so embarrassed in the class that I almost wanted to kill myself in the lecture room. After the class when I was on the way home, the bus I was taking its engine was overheat that it stopped at no where, so I ended up walk about 2 kilo to the skytrain station. After I got home I suddently realized that there were no food in the refrigerator that are eattable, and the time was about 9 pm all the supermarkets were closed.

Now you see how it made the worst day in my life. >____<"

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  • Jul 09 Sun 2006 13:18
  • 長大



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最近我一直在趕報告 抓到時間休息就會去youtube看些喜歡的藝人的mv


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不知不覺才發現 除了他們剛出道後 我就沒有看他們的mv了ㄝ

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