
這次是我隨便番我哥電腦 看看還有什麼可以看的
其實我哥早就有Cold Mountain了 只是我覺得一定很無聊
加上沒有字幕配上他們古怪的南北口音 我一定看不懂
看了之後才發現 怎麼會有這麼shocking的劇本

故事背景是在美國的南北戰爭時期 敘述一對剛認識的戀人
如何因為戰爭的關係而分開 彼此經過了許多的痛苦和寂寞
才終於見到了彼此 在主角一路上要歸回冷山的旅途中
其中我印象最深的是 就算你是屬於北軍的人你打仗打到一半絕不能回家
其中有一個冷山的母親他的兩個兒子偷偷回來了 她把他們藏起來
卻被發現 最後兩個兒子在母親面前被處決

還有一段是Nicole Kidman的口白 是一封寫給Jude Law的信

Dear Mr. Admond
since you have left
the time has been measured out in a bit of chapters
last fall my poor father died
I found a black coat he abandoned
every house in these mountains have been touched by tragidies
each day the dred is hanging who has falling
who would not return from this terrible war
and no word form you
are you alive? I pray to God you are
I am still waiting as I promised I would
when I found myself along in the end of my weit
too embarrassed to keep taking from those who can least affort to give
my last thread of courage now is to put my faith in you
and to believe that I will see you again
so now I will say to you
if you are fighting, stop fighting
if you are marching, stop marching
come back to me, come back to me is my request

多悽涼的一封信呀 一個女人孤單的等待愛的人回來
雖然聽起來有點俗 可是我想在真正的戰爭中 這種故事一定反覆的發生在無數的家庭中
所以啦 這時我才發現原來出生在這沒有戰爭的我是多麼的幸福



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