
Toyota Yaris recalled for seatbelt defect
Published: Wednesday, January 28, 2009

TORONTO - Toyota Canada issued a recall Wednesday for 58,400 of its Yaris subcompact cars due to a potential seatbelt defect.

The recall is part of an international effort involving 1.3 million of the small cars from the 2006 and 2007 model years, which were manufactured in Japan.

In cases of a severe front-end collision, some of the car's sound-insulating foam was found to ignite due to a chemical released by seatbelt pretensioners, the device that tightens the belt in case of collision.

The pretensioners are only operated in extreme crashes, said Brian Lyons, a Toyota spokesman, and there have been no cases of the foam catching fire among the public in either the U.S. or Canada.

Dawn Soulis, a spokeswoman for Toyota Canada, said the auto giant will send letters to Yaris owners in early March, informing them of the defect.

She added that any Yaris owner can take their car to their dealership to have the problem taken care of.


安全帶和引擎瑕疵 日法YARiS召回
更新日期:2009/01/29 12:53 蔡珮芸



不 景氣的年代,小車特別吸引購車族,去年車市慘兮兮,TOYATA出產的這款YARiS,卻能創下佳績!根據一份汽車雜誌的統計,去年YARiS的銷售量, 是全台灣排名第二;只是日本的TOYATA,宣布全球要回收135萬台的三款房車,其中一台,就是台灣賣得超「ㄏㄤ」的YARiS。


車 商強調,因為台灣的安全帶緊縮器是採用機械式,不像日本和法國,是使用火藥來引線,另外,引擎型號也大不同。邱奕嘉:「因為國外使用的引擎,它的引擎型號 是一個1開頭的型號,那台灣是用2開頭的引擎型號,我們本來就是用不同的引擎。」 總之,台灣的YARiS車主,可以安心開車,不過還是要小心上路。


唉 我爸媽今天和我講說他們在新聞上看到說2007年日本製的Yaris要recall去改安全帶
上網看到上面的新聞發現還真的要recall >______<

前兩天才去保養完 看來過沒多久我的小鴨鴨又要回原廠囉
(不知道可不可以退車 我想換Venza)

不過看到台灣的新聞我真的很意外 台製的Yaris用不同的安全帶就算了 怎麼連引擎都自己改
難怪之前有在汽車網讀到說台灣的Toyota很不保開 不過那個價錢也實在很吸引人就是了 >__<"
唉~~~~ 沒想到連日本製的也會這樣 切~~~~~

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