
I was feeling quite depressed during last 2, 3 days.

I finally got my CMNS 220 television final essay back... it's not a very good mark.

Anyways, what I remembered in that tutorial is ... for every tutorial we have somebody doing presentation

I think the topic for that day is about how Canada being as a mutilcultural nation.

the presenter is a fully Canadianized Asian ... so called BANANA.

There are only 5 Asian in my tutorial and except me rest of them are all very much Canadianized.

The guy started off saying he immigrant to Canada when he was 9

and he said how he struggled to fit into the culture here and making friends with local people.

When I looked at him he really is nothing like a Taiwanese ... and same as all the other Asian I know in the tutorial.

they all came to Canada between age of 9~12 and they speak perfect English and completely fit into the culture here.

I started to compare myself with them... I came to Canada when I was 14 ... not much older than they were

but look at me now... I feel like I am so retard everytime when I speak English or talk with them.

During that tutorial we discussed how so many different cultures all co-exist in Vancouver.

I think people in my tutorial understand immigrant actually better than other white people I knew form high school or some where else.

Because locally borned Canadian would ususally think that Why so many Chinese people after being here for many years still cannot speak English?

Do they really want to live here? Since they cant even speak English why Canadian government let them move here in the first place?

Instead of that they understand that when people first move to a new country they would naturally be together with people

move from the same country, having same background, and speak the same mother tongue. It's all natural.

However, what they dont understand is that ... when they go to Chinatown to buy stuff they cant communicate with

clerks there and there were no English prices of any kind been posted. When they watch channel M, there is no english subtitles.

It's not the case that they excluded us from the group, but they feel that they ARE been excluded from us.

And they say how easily it would become the case that Chinese Canadian would only make friend of their kind and only talk to people who can speak chinese.

Eventually, they form their own group and no one from othe race or background can ever get into it.

It sounds so sad to me ... and I felt I am exactly the kind of person they are talking about.

look at me ... living here for almost 8 years ... still not really good at English ... still speak horribly

I dont know... I just feel that I am so pathetic in a way.

so I am a living example here ... students still in highschool .... dont walk into the path I have been through

be open minded ... make friends from other races... speak English as often as possible ....

When I went home ... I talked about this with my parents ... they both think it's very true as well.

People like them have excuse because they got here when they were already old, but there is no excuse for me

and there is no turning back ... sigh .... !!!!!!!

    創作者 Calo 的頭像


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